The next wave in BI

Article archive

04/11/2008 09:00

ParAccel, JasperSoft and Talend Collaborate to Deliver Integrated High Performance Business Analytics Platform

From the joined announcement: "ParAccel, Inc., JasperSoft Corporation and Talend today announced a collaboration to deliver an integrated, end-to-end environment for high performance analytic processing. The analytic solution combines the best in open source and commercial software into a...


28/10/2008 10:00

Dutch Open Source conference

On October 28 IBM, Accenture and Redhat will organize a general interest Open Source conference covering a broad range of topics ranging from operating systems and cloud computing to CMS and... BI! Davy Nys, EMEA Sales Manager for Pentaho will introduce the Open Source Pentaho BI platform. Click...


26/10/2008 12:00

Pentaho & MySQL tutorial at T-Dose

T-DOSE is a free and yearly event held in The Netherlands to promote use and development of Open Source Software. During this event Open Source projects, developers and visitors can exchange ideas and knowledge. This years event will be held on 25 and 26 October 2008 at the Fontys University of...


21/10/2008 09:00

Talend Open Studio 3.0 released

Talend today announced the availability of Talend Open Studio version 3.0, the company’s flagship open source data integration solution. Talend Open Studio offers more than 400 native connectors and now includes SAP connectivity to make it possible to interface SAP systems with the rest of the...


16/10/2008 12:43

Bye bye Google Apps

Last summer I decided to give up my locally managed Email service and switch to a Premier Edition Google apps account. Sounded great, 25GB of mail storage and guaranteed uptime of 99,9% in any given month!. Well, last night around 19:15 I got this nice '502' error     At 20:00 I started...


15/10/2008 09:00

Pentaho 2.0 released

Pentaho, the commercial open source alternative for business intelligence (BI), today announced Pentaho BI Suite Enterprise Edition Version 2, the latest release of the company's flagship BI suite, providing a comprehensive solution for allowing businesses of all sizes to cost-effectively deploy...


11/10/2008 13:51

Until 'Madison' arrives, Microsoft SQL Server runs faster on Linux

Visitors of the latest BI summit of the Seattle based software giant were awed by a first demo of project Madison, which is basically a Windows/SQL Server based version of the recently acquired appliance vendor Datallegro. Microsoft showed how a 150 TB (yes, that's Tera, not Giga) database could...


15/09/2008 13:27

Open Source Data warehousing getting serious

Today Infobright, one of the innovative newcomers in the analytical database space, announced a community edition of their flagship product. Click here for the complete press release.


03/08/2008 21:31

Performance Management, Vacation style

The past few weeks were dedicated to my racing bike, lying in the sun, spending time with my family, sleeping in, do some sight seeing and cultural trips and being with friends. Well, those were my initial plans about a month ago. And though I did all of these things, most of my time was spent on...


17/07/2008 10:22

Sun vs Open Source

As you might know, there’s not a lot of OS database modelling stuff out there, but for MySQL databases, it was easy: we all used DBDesigner. It was open source, did forward and reverse engineering and could do schema and model comparisons. Basically all the functionality that you want but which you...
